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Last week, I had the great opportunity to attend Singapore’s first Money20/20 Asia. From March 12 until 14, I was in Singapore, meeting a few old companions and FinTech enthusiasts – and experiencing a whole load of new things. Besides the climate shock that awaited me upon leaving wintry Germany and arriving in hot Singapore, I had a blast! I attended some really interesting events, e.g. with Ant Financial and the FCA (with the great Anna Wallace); ran into some great FinTech personalities, such as Brett King, Chris Skinner and Ghela Boskovich – and had some really interesting chats for our Podcast PayTechTalk, for instance about Blockchain, ICO and Token, which I want to present to you today.
Blockchain, ICO and Token
I was lucky enough to chat with Danette Wallace from Blockpass about their sovereign identity app based on the blockchain, which has already been featured in German media IT Finanzmagazin. Furthermore I talked to Eric Anziani from Monaco about their aim to bring cryptocurrencies into every wallet – and last but not least I had a chat with Igor Rogachev from Bonum about how and why their Tokens will make your life easier.
I have to unfortunately warn you in advance about the varying quality of the audio files. Recording was quite challenging since I was in the noisy center of the event and alas not in the quiet eye of the storm! But despite this, I’m confident you’ll get to know three very ambitious and promising companies.
So sit back, relax and enjoy PayTechTalk 18!
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