PayTechTalk #7 and the token – featuring Matthias Setzer from PayU

Show notes

What does a token have to do with it? What does the future of payments look like – and what does a token have to do with it? Is there a trend for “real FinTech” and how exactly will the geographical regions influence what’s going to happen in FinTechs on a global scale? Will for instance, Berlin or Silicon Valley remain the innovation makers? Will payments becoming commodities and are regulations a chance for innovation drivers or brakes? If you’re interested in these topics, I highly recommend joining our seventh episode of PayTechTalk, in which I was happy to have the chance to chat with another one of my favourite ex-colleagues: Matthias Setzer. Matthias and I had a fruitful time working together at PayPal and he is for sure a real FinTech expert. As Chief Commercial Officer at PayU, Matthias is responsible for PayU’s cross-border business, global sales, key accounts, and strategic partnerships as well as marketing & PR. I hope you enjoy the seventh episode of PayTechTalk as much as I enjoyed conducting this interview.

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